Wilhelmina Zungenhalder... Billie!
Race: Hubris
Concept: Think part Jessica Rabbit, part Tank Girl... the classic gunbunny.
Most memorable moment thus far:
Billie and Co. are surrounded by hundreds of zombies. They're closing in fast and at least one of the crew has been knocked down and pig-piled upon.
Obviously, something must be done. The problem: Billie carries only a gatling gun, which could make for a very messy rescue of her buried compatriot.
Ever the resourceful wench, Billie takes a moment... and another moment... and suddenly...
She plucks a few integral stitches in her (3rd favorite!) dress and stands stark naked before the thronging masses.
Be you alive or be ye dead (or be ye robot, even!), there's no resisting those... assets.
Half the zombie horde decides that a hot, naked ringleader is better than a purulent one and turns on itself, allowing our intrepid heroes ample time to pick them off.